Zero Emission Portable Auxiliary Source (ZEPAS)

ZEPAS is a groundbreaking solution in the field of auxiliary power services that eliminates the need for traditional generators.

This portable tool is more efficient and environmentally friendly, enabling the quick operation of the substations that make up the electricity grid before all necessary resources are available.

Since ZEPAS is easily transportable, it plays a vital role in facilitating the energy transition. This technological solution has been developed by Elewit in collaboration with Arteche.

An alternative to conventional solutions

Quickly enable the auxiliary services you need, regardless of time or location, thanks to ZEPAS.

ZEPAS' capabilities

1. A sustainable alternative

ZEPAS makes it possible to supply the auxiliary services of electricity substations quickly with zero emissions.


2. Ready when you need it

Easy to transport, self-powered and easy to connect, it can be up and running in just one day.


With the approval of a world-leading TSO

ZEPAS was born in 2021 as an internal innovation project at Red Eléctrica in collaboration with Arteche.

A forward-looking partnership:

Elewit x Arteche

Elewit and Arteche are working together to enhance the value of ZEPAS in the market. This partnership allows the system operator to adapt rapidly and sustainably to the requirements of the energy transition.

Arteche, a company operating in the electricity sector, specializes in electrical equipment, components, and solutions. It has installed equipment in over 175 countries and has a team of more than 2,600 professionals.