Venture Capital & Startups
Join the new edition of our Data Challenge!
We are looking for partners who can provide Red Eléctrica the best forecasting service for renewable energy generation.
Data Challenge is an action promoted by Red Eléctrica and Elewit to identify potential suppliers to support the improvement of renewable energy prediction models

Get ready for a new challenge in renewable energy forecasting! In collaboration with the System Operation Models team of Red Eléctrica, the TSO in charge of electricity transmission and operation in Spain, we are launching our Data Challenge 2024. In this new edition, we seek to identify potential innovative partners capable of offering Red Eléctrica the best forecasting service for renewable energy generation.

How does our Data Challenge work?

Companies that have registered and, therefore, shown interest in participating, will have access to a dataset that includes a time series of wind, photovoltaic and solar thermal energy production, along with detailed geographic information. This dataset will be made up of two years of historical data, provided by Red Eléctrica, which will be available for participants to develop their best proposals, which must include generation forecasts for at least one of the renewable technologies - wind, photovoltaic and solar thermal - and cover a period of between 1 and 48 hours during the three months following the time series provided.

The winning proposals of this Data Challenge will be published on our website and social networks. In addition, webinars and other dissemination activities may be held to highlight the proposals put forward by these companies and their capabilities to relevant industry players, such as energy operators and distributors, as well as other key members of the energy sector.

The registration period will be open until May 16, 2024, and those who have registered will have one month to submit their proposals, specifically, until June 17, 2024.