SAGA: The power of its technologies

Elewit markets SAGA, a pioneering and unique market solution because, among other factors, it is based on the experience and knowledge generated over decades by the Red Eléctrica Group. It offers an advanced solution for asset management in the electricity sector that is based on several cutting-edge technologies that complement each other to manage and extract the potential of this knowledge.

  • SAGA is developed as a Cloud Computing solution that integrates different communication and data storage technologies. These technologies facilitate efficient data management, enabling all asset information to be displayed in a standardised way, ensuring its veracity and quality.
  • Data collection is another of SAGA’s key aspects. In this regard, information pertaining to different assets is collected in multiple ways, from integration with IoT devices to the dumping of data from field measurements and visual inspections, considering at all times the Operational Technologies in use and integrating the knowledge that the Red Eléctrica Group has generated in the past with respect to its assets and their management.
  • SAGA uses Advanced Data Analytics in order to extract the maximum knowledge from them. To do so, it has integrated multiple models that make use of Machine Learning techniques to generate new knowledge about the current state of the assets, their future condition or risk, current and future, implicit in this situation, among others.
  • Thanks to the integration of Artificial Intelligence techniques, SAGA simulates and analyses different planning scenarios in order to make better decisions. To do so, it generates a holistic and optimised planning of maintenance and renewal activity based on the overall network risk, monitors its execution and makes the necessary adjustments to minimise transmission grid downtime and to maximise the value of activities carried out.

IBM technology was chosen as support for SAGA’s development, as it is one of the giants in Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Analytics innovation. Because it works with critical infrastructures, SAGA must be built on a robust, stable and highly available platform, which is why it is deployed on the IBM Maximo APM for Energy and Utilities platform, which provides the necessary infrastructure to support SAGA's needs, namely:

  • To accelerate the solution’s deployment process.
  • To allow the agile use of Artificial Intelligence techniques in order to solve demanding business challenges that arise in the Red Eléctrica Group’s asset management.
  • To facilitate the integration of information offered by sensors based on the Internet of Things and operation technologies.

All these benefits have led to an acceleration and progress in the Digital Transformation of electricity grid asset management.

SAGA is a solution that is constantly growing and developing, hence the likelihood of new functionalities being included in order to cover new use cases and business models, either through direct development or through integration with new solutions that Elewit is working on.

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